
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 21:21:11

英语和中文不一样,大部分中文都不能直译,所以尽量用比较地道的英语把大概意思表达清楚就行了。我推荐:I swallow my tears(我咽下眼泪),leaving you(离开你)个人感觉比较好

hold my tear try not to tell to you
hold/keep/stand my tear ignore your words
用韩语说是:눈물을 참아며 널 말을 듣지 않는다.

Holding my tears and paying no attention to you.

hold my tears and will not say a word to you
hold my tears and ignor your offence

1.show you back with tears
2.refuse you, refuse happiness
3. only leave tears without you
4. leave my tears alone
5.tears down my face when my heart back of yours

I ignored you with tears running on my face.